Frequently Asked Questions
We do have a drop off time of 9 a.m daily Monday – Friday.
Our sick policy here at Loving Babies N’ Tots is when a child is demonstrating any of the following symptoms:
- Temperature of at least 100 to 1 degrees F (100 degrees F if taken anxillary) when in combination with any other sign of symptom or illness.
- Diarrhea (more than 3 abnormally, unexpected, or unexplained loose stools within a 24-hour period)
- Severe coughing (causing the child to becoe red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound)
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Yellowish skin or eyes
- Redness of the eye or eyelid, big and purulent(pus) eye discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching and eye pain.
- Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes
- Stiff neck with an elevated temperature
- Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infection
- Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting more than one time or when it is accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness
Conditions for return of child after illness: Children will be readmitted to the program after at least 24 hours of being free of fever and other symptoms without aid of medication if they’re not symptom free a doctor’s note is required stating that the child is not contagious. Parents will be notified and given 30 minutes from the time of call to pick their child up from Loving Babies N’ Tots. The program must follow the Ohio Department of Health and Communicable Disease Chart for information and procedures regarding communicable diseases.
We do sanitize the toys and materials daily upon being used. We do sanitize cribs and cots and bedding material used every Friday and if anything becomes soiled from an accident it is to be sanitized immediately. All sanitizing done in the facility is done with state regulated sanitizing cleanser.
Loving Babies N’ Tots uses HiMama which is our interactive app that allows parents to communicate to their child’s teacher if they wish, within the app you will be notified of your child’s day and activities, In the event you would like a MYDAY daily report we do offer those as well upon request.
Loving Babies N’ Tots runs along side of Fairfield School district in accordance with their inclement weather procedure. If Fairfield is closed or on a delay we here at the center will be delayed or closed.
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth (June 19th), Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday (Day After Thanksgiving), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve.
If a holiday falls on a Saturday the center will be closed on the Friday before the holiday, and if the holiday is on a Sunday the center will be closed after the holiday on the proceeding Monday.
Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool age children will use an educational based creative curriculum program.